Of Course The Mayor Of Pittsburgh Is Going Balls Out To Add The Word 'Jagoff' To The Dictionary
PITTSBURGH (AP) – Pittsburgh’s mayor is supporting an online effort to get a popular local term listed in the dictionary. Bill Peduto recorded a public service announcement Tuesday encouraging residents to sign a petition to add “jagoff” to the Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary. Peduto describes the jab as a “term of endearment,” despite its often derisive usage, and jokingly traced its etymology to a fictional early founder of Pittsburgh named Ebeneezer Jagoff. Peduto says “jagoff” is actually derived from jagger bush, a local term for thorny shrubbery. He says it’s not dirty or derogatory but a way for Pittsburgh residents “to let somebody know that you’re really getting under their skin.” Petition founder John Chamberlin says “jagoff” is a quintessential component of Pittsburghese and deserves a proper dictionary home. His petition is at yajagoff.com.
600 whole signatures! And a public service announcement to spark the imitative, to boot. My word, Mr. Mayor. Best look in the mirror for the definition of the term. This is definitely a good use of time and effort the taxpayers are funding. Would be like Philly launching a campaign to make “Jawn” (I HATE that fucking word) an actual, literary term. Same goes for “Masshole” in Boston and straight up “Mother Fucker” for New Yorkers. There are certain words not worthy of Websters.
Not that the people in Pitt know how to use a dictionary, anyways. Also, #FuckCrosby.