
Today In Roger Goodell Sucks: All The Fun Stuff That Will Now Draw 15-Yard Penalties


This should go over real well for Patriots fans when 16 or so kickoffs are taken 15-yards back because Gronk has no control of his bodily functions. I can see spiking the ball over the goalpost being a violation as Jimmy Graham legitimately almost took down the entire structure last year. But is any of the other stuff really that detrimental to the game? Oh, I forgot. The NFL is trying its best to clean up their moral image. Führer Goodell cracking the whip on pointing is really going to class up the joint.

It’s a shame we won’t get to see Alfred Morris do his home run swing when the Redskins are down by 3 scores in the 4th. I know, “Smitty you no-talent assclown he does it to support his little league team you heartless hardo hack!” Good for him. If you’re getting smoked, find the endzone and proceed to do anything other than pull a Barry Sanders and hand the ball to the ref, you look like a certified dick. No other way around it.

via BC