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Breaking: There's A British Version of Law And Order Called Law And Order UK- It's Been Out For 8 Years

Damn. I had no idea that British Law and Order was a thing but I got excited as shit when I saw Joey tweet it. I was through the moon. Next thing I know, he brings me back down to earth.

Looks like we have some binge-watching to do. I cannot wait for this. I love a good British crime show and if I know Law and Order, this will not disappoint. I know you’ll want to hear the intro so here ya go.

CROWN PROSECUTORS! Chasing after fellas that look like this. Look at him. He needs to be caught!

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One last note, I fucking love how British people say “innit.”

“Shame you’re a wanker, innit, Charlie? Ya cockney fuckah. Ya come here whoopin and hollerin somthin awful, aintcha? Proper rude, innit? You wouldnt know, ya bellend. Only think about yourself. Get outtamah shop before I call the coppers. Go on, now. Scat, ya yankee do nothin.”

Love it.

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