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BREAKING: John Mayer Is Releasing A New Song On Friday

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Let’s. Fucking. Go. New JM song coming out on Friday is fantastic news. This is the kind of news I needed today. John Mayer is the best for a lot of reasons and one of them is putting out good news on a Monday. He could’ve done it on any other day of the week but he picked the one that people hate the most. He did a similar thing with his tour dates. He announced them late late late late Sunday night so people would have great news to wake up to. John is always looking out for us. I can’t wait for Friday.

And yes, I know he performed the song on iHeartRadio in October (and it was great) so it’s not new new but it’s new enough

Give us an album, John. Do it. I dare you. I double dog dare you. Do it.