Manhattan Man Breaks World Record By Playing Arcade Game For 84 Straight Hours – Q*bert, the star of the cube-hopping ’80s arcade game of the same name, is making a comeback. Last year he scored a cameo in “Wreck-it Ralph,” and now he’s helped make history. George Leutz, 38, has set a Q*bert world record (the most respectable kind of world record) by playing the game for a staggering 84 hours and 48 minutes on a single game credit. He settled in at Richie Knucklez Arcade Games in Flemington, N.J., and played from Feb. 14 to Feb. 18, twiddling a joystick in nine-hour stints and taking 45 minute power naps in between. Guinness World Record rules say you earn five minutes of rest for every hour of effort, according to Leutz. But you can’t pause the game; you have to accumulate enough “lives” so your game doesn’t end while you’re napping. This was Leutz’s fifth attempt at the record. He says the trick was to pace himself properly. His winning schedule was nine hours of gaming, then 45 minutes of deep sleep. Although Knucklez’s arcade has 50 games, he chose Q*bert because it can be done one-handed. “It’s just one control, no buttons, so I can eat while I play,” Leutz said. “So at break time I didn’t have to spend anytime eating. Also it happens to be the game that I’m good at from when I was a kid.” He celebrated the victory by sleeping on a couch for 12 hours straight.
So let me get this straight – for about 4 days this guy napped and played video games? Bro I’m pretty sure every dude at some point has done this. You should have seen me during my Ocarina of Time phase. I think technically I played that for like 30 straight days. I don’t think I even ate meals during the Water Temple. Sometimes I wouldn’t even get up to go to the bathroom. Just shit in my pants and keep it moving. Then every now and then you smoke a little weed or take a cat nap and then its back to playing.
Honestly this isn’t a World Record this is just called “playing video games.” This is basically how it works. I’ll give him that he’s playing at an arcade but thats about it. Otherwise everyone in the world has played video games for a few days straight on and off and then when they finished just gone to sleep. Thats practically all I did from like 15 to 19.