
Redditor Searches For Porn "Dopplebangher" Of His Friend From High School, Friend Finds Out And Replies Herself

Happy Place - Teenagers are lazy and they’re getting lazier and this story proves it once and for all. Someone on Reddit (a teenage boy, we’ll assume, because otherwise this is way grosser) posted the above photo in the sub-reddit “Doppelbangher,” which is where classy people go when they want help finding a porn actress who looks like a non-porn actress, usually someone they know. So basically, pervs with no imagination are posting photos of women in their lives without their permission and saying, “Help me masturbate to this, Internet!”  In a delightful twist, the girl in the photo discovered she’d been “Doppelbangher’d” — side-note: maybe a nice, cleansing North Korean nuclear assault isn’t such a bad idea — and she decided to help him out with her own photo.

First of all, shout out to the guys from Reddit. This “Dopplebangher” feature is hilarious. Its like an extra creepy perverted version of the Smoke Patrol. Relying on the rest of the internet to provide lookalikes of chicks to beat your dick to is a commitment to masturbation like I’ve never seen before. Kudos you horny deviants!

Now lets get down to business. If this isn’t the most romantic gesture of all time, I don’t know what is. Like how is this girl not flattered by this move? You know what the problem is with chicks? They never try to get inside the head of men. Guys are always trying to figure out how the female brain works – A) because they want to get laid and B) they don’t want to get in trouble. Chicks on the other hand – they just sit there with their one track female mind. You know what this Reddit guy was basically saying? “You are the girl of my dreams.” Thats exactly what this is. You are the girl he dreams about. He fantasizes about you. So much so that he’s willing to beat his dick to your doppleganger lookalike just to feel that much closer to you. Thats practically love. I mean if I ever found some chick on the internet looking for pictures of my doppleganger so that she could blast her pussy to them, I’d do a whole photoshoot for her. I would be so fucking honored someone out there even thinks that highly of me.

But not chicks. Chicks just get offended like they do about everything else. Your high school friend wants to crack stick to you. Learn how to take a compliment toots.

PS – I saw this on Reddit first.