Tom Brady Doesn't Know Shit About Chinese Football and That's OK
December 31st
January 12th
Chinese National Championship Game
It broke my heart to see that Tom Brady would be rooting for the Shanghai Titans in the Chinese Super bowl. Anyone who has seen Dragon Skin knows that the Titans are a god damn YIPS factory that never rise to the occasion when it matters most.
Luckily Tom Brady doesn’t know shit about Chinese football and the Shanghai Warriors went on to win their second championship in a row yesterday. This touchdown in OT is what sealed the deal.
I’ll tell you what though, I’m glad Tom doesn’t know shit about Chinese football. I’d be concerned if he did. He has bigger fish to fry. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m gonna go wallow in regret over the fact I didn’t make a documentary of this season. Apologies to everyone who was hoping for a Dargon Skin Season 2. Making one of those docu-series is like a 4 month Rough and Rowdy where I don’t get a 10,000USD bonus after winning and I just didn’t have it in me this year. I did go to one practice tho so maybe I can still claim a ring. Sorry for letting you guys down, let’s aim for a Dragon Skin season 2 in 2020.