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Dustin Johnson Looks To Be Fully Out Of Paulina Gretzky's Doghouse


So I think this finally marks the end of the “Are DJ and Paulina gonna break up?” saga. It’s been a long road but it sure seems like DJ is fully outta the doghouse after he may or may not have cheated on Paulina with a golf socialite and she completely deleted his existence from her Instagram. Yeah she was with him in Paris for the Ryder Cup but there was no chance Paulina wasn’t making that trip. There were simply too many Instagram opportunities to be had across the pond. That insta story above is the first time Dustin has been featured anywhere on Paulina since the deleted pictures. He even got the tag! I’m proud as heck of DJ. Dustin scratched and clawed his way outta the doghouse.

Look how happy she looks!

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That’s real love, folks.

Many people thought I was rooting for them to break up but that is blatantly false. It’s rubbish and it’s not true. Dustin and Paulina are the most interesting couple (by far) in golf and I wish them nothing but the best so I can keep blogging about them.

PS- Does Dustin Johnson’s face look photoshopped to anyone else? I’m not saying it is, I think that’s just how DJ’s face looks but it looks sorta photoshopped. Weird.