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We Have A Verdict In The College Hoops Trial: This Decision Makes Absolutely No Sense

I’ll be honest. Here’s my first thoughts on Merl Code, Christian Dawkins and Jim Gatto being found guilty on all counts. This is some goddamn bullshit. That’s really it. The fact that the NCAA caps these guys at a scholarship and nothing else is the reason we are even here to begin with. The fact that we are actually going to pretend that the schools are the fucking VICTIMS here is absolutely outrageous. It’s actually terrible for everyone involved that this is how the jury ruled. Let’s not forget that this is a jury that ordered dinner pre-4:30. Can’t trust them at all.

Back to seriousness here though. This is complete horseshit. Remember, the case was that these guys – former Adidas executives/runner for an agent committed fraud against the schools. We’re really going to sit here and pretend the schools – where this is evidence from text messages showing coaching staffs working with these guys to land said recruits were victims? FUCK OUTTA HERE.

Oh, and if you’re dumb enough to think this is going to mean schools are safe against the NCAA just stop that thought process. Remember, just because the morons on the jury thought the schools were victims here doesn’t mean there weren’t NCAA violations. It’s a completely different set of rules. I mean Silvio De Sousa isn’t going to be eligible all of a sudden. The NCAA still has to clear him and Kansas has to be 100% sure that he’ll be cleared. That ain’t going to happen.

I really wish we could use some common sense here, but it’s the NCAA and common sense isn’t a thing with them. This is absolutely ridiculous. It’s the only way I can put it. I’ve said it before, but the court was looking at the wrong thing here. We shouldn’t be looking at getting money as a federal crime. We should be looking at if capping market value at scholarships is illegal.

Fuck the NCAA.