Court Orders Guy to Pay a Husband $8.8 Million for Cheating with His Wife
Source – A Texas man’s affair with a woman cost him nearly $9 million thanks to a little-known provision in North Carolina’s legal system.
Superior Court Judge Orlando Hudson ordered Texas marketing manager Francisco Huizar III to pay $8.8 million to North Carolina businessman Keith King on Thursday for having an affair with King’s wife. North Carolina is one of a handful of states that allows jilted spouses to sue affair partners, the Durham Herald-Sun reported.
King was able to sue Huizar for compensatory and punitive damages for civil charges including alienation of affection and criminal conversation.
King’s attorney Joanne Foil argued Huizar’s affair and alleged assault cost her client’s company, BMX Stunt Shows, money and an employee since King’s wife Danielle worked for the company. …
Huizar said he plans to appeal the ruling because he only makes $84,000 a year as a marketing manager.
Let’s see … doing the math … that’s $8,800,000 divided by an annual salary of $84,000 … that means if Francisco Huizar III gives every penny he makes over to Keith King, he’ll have this obligation met in … oooh … just over 104 years. Yup. I’d say that’s a pretty reasonable call by Judge Hudson. The price you should pay for mowing another guy’s lawn.
I just want to put this out there. As a man who’s been married now for 24 years and 10 months now, there is no price any happily married man would put on his wife’s loyalty and fidelity. None. Of course I’m talking about normal married guys, not those weirdos who get off on being cucked. Your average guy puts love and commitment above material things. And no money is enough to buy him off, Indecent Proposal style.
That is, until you start talking about $8.8 million. Every man has a price, and I’m fairly sure that is pretty much close to mine. I love the Irish Rose. But for just shy of nine million bucks American, I can find it in my heart to forgive her. She’s only human. People have needs. And mine happens to be $8.8 million. Mistakes get made. And I prefer the kind that make me an 8.8 millionaire. Again, I’m not saying it would ever happen. And I’m not encouraging it. At least not from a guy who needs 100 years to pay if off. But if there’s a guy out there willing to pay up front, DM me. No $84K a year marketing managers need apply.
P.S. Looking at that picture, I kind of feel like Keith King would’ve settled out of court for about 20 grand. Either he has the best lawyer in the world or some guy did Judge Hudson really dirty.