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The Scene In Croatia After Their Soccer Team Beat Denmark In The World Cup Looked Like A Pretty Good Time


Have yourself a night Croatia! Have yourself a night! Well I guess they had themselves a night last night. It is now Monday afternoon there, which means every single person in that video is likely still nursing an absolutely massive hangover and/or third degree burns. But it was definitely worth it. Videos like that are what sports and the World Cup is all about. I’ll admit that I was a stereotypical American soccer #hater for years because of the flopping and low scoring. But once you get over that stuff, it’s hard to not love how crazy people around the world go for this shit. But I have thoroughly enjoyed this World Cup as a casual fan. Add in that the games are at the perfect point of the work day to have on in the background and I have become a diehard futbol fan. I can’t get enough of the pitch. If I can get into swimming, track and field, and bobsledding every four years in the name of the Olympics, I can sure as shit get into soccer. Especially with reaction videos like that.

Those videos were like something out of the Philly parade after the Eagles broke more than a half century football championship drought and it came after what was essentially a first round playoff win for Croatia over Denmark. Anytime people set celebratory fires in their city after beating Denmark in anything, you know it must be a pretty big deal. I didn’t even know Zagreb was a place in the world until yesterday. But I now have a nothing but respect for the city and its residents. Or fear. To be honest, if you are from any of those Eastern European countries that end in an “I-A”, I probably think you are a badass motherfucker. Croatia. Bosnia. Serbia. Albania. All of them. And scenes like this coming after a soccer win only hammer that home.